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Liu P, Zha T, Black TA, Jassal RS, Jia X, Noormets A, Ouimette A, Tian Y, Li X (2025) Seasonal warming responses of the ecosystem CO2 sink of northern forests are sensitive to stand age. Communications Earth & Environment 6: 43. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-025-02008-7
Mitra B, Minick K, Gavazzi MJ, Prajapati P, Aguilos M, Miao G, Domec JC, McNulty SG, Sun G, King JS, Noormets A (2024) Toward spectrally truthful models for gap-filling soil respiration and methane fluxes. A case study in coastal forested wetlands in North Carolina. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 353: 110038. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2024.110038
Aguilos M, Sun G, Liu N, Zhang Y, Starr G, Oishi AC, O’Halloran TL, Forsythe J, Wang J, Zhu M, Amatya D, Baniya B, McNulty S, Noormets A, King J (2024) Energy availability and leaf area dominate control of ecosystem evapotranspiration in the southeastern U.S. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 349:109960. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2024.109960
Delpierre N, Garnier S, Treuil-Dussouet H, Hufkens K, Lin J, Beier C, Bell M, Berveiller D, Cuntz M, Curioni G, Dahlin K, Denham SO, Desai AR, Domec J-C, Hart KM, Ibrom A, Joetzjer E, King J, Klosterhalfen A, Koebsch F, Hale PM, Morfin A, Munger JW, Noormets A, Pilegaard K, Pohl F, Rebmann C, Richardson AD, Rothstein D, Schwartz MD, Wilkinson M, Soudani K (2024) Phenology across scales: An intercontinental analysis of leaf-out dates in temperate deciduous tree communities. Global Ecology and Biogeography 0:e13910. https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.13910
Yang L, Noormets A (2024) Asynchrony of the seasonal dynamics of gross primary productivity and ecosystem respiration. Environmental Research Letters 19:084049. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ad5d08
Noormets A, Miao G, Kim D, Ono M, McNulty SG (2024) Mitigation potential of forests: The integrated plant-microbe system. In McNulty SG, ed. Future forests, Elsevier. pp. 75-94. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-90430-8.00013-7
Fischer M, Katul G, Noormets A, Poznikova G, Domec J-C, Orsag M, Zalud Z, Trnka M (2023) Uniting flux-variance and surface renewal methods in the roughness sublayer and the atmospheric surface layer. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 342: 109692 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168192323003829?dgcid=coauthor
Wang R, Bowling DR, Gamon JA, Smith KR, Yu R, Hmimina G, Ueyama M, Noormets A, Kolb TE, Richardson AD, Bourque CPA, Bracho R, Blanken PD, Black TA, Arain MA (2023) Snow-corrected vegetation indices for improved gross primary productivity assessment in North American evergreen forests. Agricultrural and Forest Meteorology 340: 109600. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109600
Wells JM, Aguilos M, Huang X, Gao Y, Hou EQ, Huang WJ, Liao CJ, Lin L, Zhao RY, Qiu H, Allen K, King J, Noormets A, Jiang LF, Luo YQ (2023) Attributing interannual variability of net ecosystem exchange to modeled ecological processes in forested wetlands of contrasting stand age. Landscape Ecology 38 (12):3985-3998. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-023-01768-x
McNicol G, Fluet-Chouinard E, Ouyang Z, Knox SH, Zhang Z, Aalto T, Bansal S, Chang K-Y, Chen M, Delwiche K, Feron S, Goeckede M, Liu J, Malhotra A, Melton J, Riley W, Vargas R, Yuan K, Ying Q, Zhu Q, Alekseychik P, Aurela M, Billesbach D, Campbell D, Chen J, Chu H, Desai A, Euskirchen E, Goodrich J, Griffis T, Helbig M, Hirano T, Iwata H, Jurasinski G, King JS, Koebsch F, Kolka R, Krauss K, Lohila A, Mammarella I, Nilson M, Noormets A, Oechel W, Peichl M, Sachs T, Sakabe A, Schulze C, Sonnentag O, Sullivan R, Tuittila E-S, Ueyama M, Vesala T, Ward E, Wille C, Wong G, Zona D, Windham-Myers L, Poulter B, Jackson R (2022) UpCH4: A global freshwater wetland methane emissions product for 2001-2018 from upscaled eddy covariance fluxes. AGU Advances 4: e2023AV000956. https://doi. org/10.1029/2023AV000956
Oliveira FCC, Bacon A, Fox TR, Jokela EJ, Kane MB, Martin TA, Noormets A, Wade Ross C, Vogel J, Markewitz D (2022) A regional assessment of permanganate oxidizable carbon for potential use as a soil health indicator in managed pine plantations. Forest Ecology and Management 521: 120423. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120423
Aguilos M, Warr I, Irving M, Gregg O, Grady S, Peele T, Noormets A, Sun G, Liu N, McNulty S, Pettay F, Bhattacharya S, Penney S, Kerrigan M, Yang L, Mitra B, Prajapati P, Minick K, King J. 2022. The unabated atmospheric carbon losses in a drowning wetland forest of North Carolina: A point of no return? Forests 13: 1264. https://doi.org/10.3390/f13081264
Morkoc S, Aguilos M, Noormets A, Minick KJ, Ile OJ, Dickey DA, Hardesty D, Kerrigan M, Heitman J, King J. 2022. Environmental and plant-derived controls on the seasonality and partitioning of soil respiration in an American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) bioenergy plantation in the Piedmont of North Carolina, USA. Forests 13: 1286. https://doi.org/10.3390/f13081286
Miao G, Noormets A, Gavazzi M, Domec JC, Mitra B, Sun G, McNulty SG, King JS. 2022. Beyond carbon flux partitioning: Carbon allocation and non-structural carbon dynamics inferred from continuous fluxes. Ecological Applications: e2655. https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2655
Aguilos M, Brown C, Minick K, Fischer M, Ile OJ, Hardesty D, Kerrigan M, Noormets A, King J. (2021) Millennial-Scale Carbon Storage in Natural Pine Forests of the North Carolina Lower Coastal Plain: Effects of Artificial Drainage in a Time of Rapid Sea Level Rise. Land 10 (12). https://doi.org/10.3390/land10121294
Yazbeck T, Bohrer G, Ye PGL, Arriga N, Bernhofer C, Blanken PD, Desai AR, Durden D, Knohl A, Kowalska N, Metzger S, Mölder M, Noormets A, Novick K, Scott RL, Šigut L, Soudani K, Ueyama M, Varlagin A (2021) Site characteristics mediate the relationship between forest productivity and satellite measured solar induced fluorescence. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change: https://doi.org/10.3389/ffgc.2021.695269
Aguilos M, Sun G, Noormets A, Domec JC, McNulty SG, Gavazzi MJ, Prajapati P, Minick K, Mitra B, King JS. 2021. Ecosystem productivity and evapotranspiration are tightly coupled in Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations along the coastal plain of the Southeastern U.S. Forests 12: 1123. http://doi.org/10.3390/f12081123
Lin W, Noormets A, King JS, Marshall J, Akers M, Cucinella J, Fox T, Laviner M, Martin T, McNulty S, Meek C, Samuelson L, Sun G, Vogel J, Will R, Domec J-C. 2020. Spatial variability in tree-ring carbon isotope discrimination in response to local drought across the entire loblolly pine natural range. Tree physiology 42: 44-58. https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpab097
Minick K, Mitra B, Li X, Fischer M, Aguilos M, Prajapati P, Noormets A, King JS. 2021. Wetland microtopography alters response of potential net CO2 and CH4 production to temperature and moisture: Evidence from a laboratory experiment. Geoderma 402: 115367. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115367
Noormets A, Bracho R, Ward E, Seiler J, Strahm B, Lin W, McElligott K, Domec J-C, Gonzalez-Benecke C, Jokela EJ, Markewitz D, Meek C, Miao G, McNulty SG, King JS, Samuelson L, Sun G, Teskey R, Vogel J, Will R, Yang J, Martin TA (2021) Heterotrophic respiration and the divergence of productivity and carbon sequestration. Geophysical Research Letters 48: e2020GL092366. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL092366
Irvin J, Zhou S, McNicol G, Lu F, Liu V, Fluet-Chouinard E, Ouyang Z, Knox SH, Lucas-Moffat A, Trotta C, Papale D, Vitale D, Mammarella I, Avati A, Kondrich A, Ng A, Rey-Sanchez AC, Valach AC, Richardson AD, Kalhori A, Lohila A, Malhotra A, Noormets A, Desai AR, Mitra B, Runkle BR, Helfter C, Sturtevant C, Baldocchi D, Campbell DI, Lai DY, Zona D, Euskirchen E, Ward EJ, Stuart-Haëntjens E, Bohrer G, Jurasinski G, Vourlitis GL, Wong GX, Chu H, Iwata H, Dalmagro HJ, Chen J, Delwiche KB, Hemes KS, Schäfer KV, Merbold L, Aurela M, Nilsson MB, Goeckede M, Helbig M, Heimann M, Peichl M, Ueyama M, Sonnentag O, Alekseychik P, Vargas R, Bansal S, Feron S, Hirano T, Jacotot A, Sakabe A, Varlagin A, Wille C, Szutu DJ, Billesbach DP, Schuur EA, Nemitz E, Tuittila E-S, Parmentier FJ, Koebsch F, Celis G, Dolman H, Verfaillie JG, Goodrich JP, Fuchs K, Kasak K, Ono K, Hörtnagl L, Alberto MCR, Gondwe MJ, Gottschalk P, Oikawa PY, Sullivan RC, Maier R, Shortt R, Gogo S, Friborg T, Morin TH, Sachs T, Oechel WC, Windham-Myers L, Poulter B, Jackson RB (2021) Gap-filling eddy covariance methane fluxes: Comparison of machine learning model predictions and uncertainties at FLUXNET-CH4 wetlands. Agr Forest Meteorol 308-309: 108528. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108528
Aguilos M, Sun G, Noormets A, Domec JC, McNulty SG, Gavazzi M, Minick K, Mitra B, Prajapati P, Yang Y, King JS (2021) Effects of land-use change and drought on decadal forest evapotranspiration and water balance of natural and managed wetlands along the southeastern US lower coastal plain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 303: 108381, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168192321000642
Chang K-Y, Riley WJ, Knox SH, Jackson RB, McNicol G, Poulter B, Aurela M, Baldocchi D, Bansal S, Bohrer G, Campbell DI, Cescatti A, Chu H, Delwiche KB, Desai A, Euskirchen E, Friborg T, Goeckede M, Helbig M, Hemes KS, Kang M, Keenan T, King JS, Krauss KW, Lohila A, Mammarella I, Mitra B, Miyata A, Nilsson MB, Noormets A, Oechel W, Papale D, Peichl M, Reba ML, Rinne J, Runkle BRK, Ryu Y, Sachs T, Schäfer KVR, Schmid HP, Shurpali N, Sonnentag O, Tang ACI, Torn MS, Trotta C, Tuittila E-S, Ueyama M, Vargas R, Vesala T, Windham-Myers L, Zhang Z, Zona D (2021) Substantial hysteresis in temperature sensitivity of global wetland methane emissions. Nature Communications 12: 2266. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-22452-1
Yang L, Noormets A (2021) Standardized flux seasonality metrics: A companion dataset for FLUXNET annual product. Earth System Science Data 13: 1461–1475. https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2020-58
Domec JC, King AW, Carmichael M, Treado Overby A, Wortemann R, Smith WK, Miao G, Noormets A, Johnson D (2021) Aquaporins, and not changes in root structure, provide new insights into physiological responses to drought, flooding, and salinity. Functional Plant Biology 72: 4489–4501. https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erab100
Chu H, Luo X, Ouyang Z, Chan WS, Dengel S, Biraud SC, Torn MS, Metzger S, Kumar J, Arain MA, Arkebauer TJ, Baldocchi D, Bernacchi C, Billesbach D, Black TA, Blanken PD, Bohrer G, Bracho R, Brown S, Brunsell NA, Chen J, Chen X, Clark K, Desai AR, Duman T, Durden D, Fares S, Forbrich I, Gamon JA, Gough CM, Griffis T, Helbig M, Hollinger D, Humphreys E, Ikawa H, Iwata H, Ju Y, Knowles JF, Knox SH, Kobayashi H, Kolb T, Law B, Lee X, Litvak M, Liu H, Munger JW, Noormets A, Novick K, Oberbauer SF, Oechel W, Oikawa P, Papuga SA, Pendall E, Prajapati P, Prueger J, Quinton WL, Richardson AD, Russell ES, Scott RL, Starr G, Staebler R, Stoy PC, Stuart-Haëntjens E, Sonnentag O, Sullivan RC, Suyker A, Ueyama M, Vargas R, Wood JD, Zona D (2021) Footprint Representativeness of Eddy-Covariance Flux Measurements Across AmeriFlux Sites. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 301-302: 108350 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108350
Lyu M, Noormets A, Ukonmaanaho L, Li Y, Yang Y, Xie J. 2021. Stability of soil organic carbon during forest conversion is more sensitive in deep soil than in topsoil in subtropical forests. Pedobiologia: 150706. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedobi.2020.150706
Tadesse T, Hollinger DY, Bayissa YA, Svoboda M, Fuchs B, Zhang B, Demissie G, Wardlow BD, Bohrer G, Clark KL, Desai AR, Gu L, Noormets A, Novick KA, Richardson AD (2020) Forest Drought Response Index (ForDRI): A New Combined Model to Monitor Forest Drought in the Eastern United States. Remote Sensing 12: 00-00. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/12/21/3605
*Mitra B, *Minick KJ, Miao, G, Domec JC, McNulty SG, Sun G, King JS, Noormets A (2020) Spectral evidence for the multiple drivers of methane fluxes from a lower coastal plain-forested wetland in North Carolina. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 291: 108062, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108062.
Bond-Lamberty B, Christianson DS, Malhotra A, Pennington SC, Sihi D, AghaKouchak A, Anjileli H, Arain MA, Armesto JJ, Ashraf S, Ataka M, Baldocchi DD, Black TA, Buchmann N, Carbone MS, Chang SC, Crill P, Curtis PS, Davidson EA, Desai AR, Drake JE, El-Madany TS, Gavazzi M, Gorres CM, Gough CM, Goulden M, Gregg J, Gutierrez Del Arroyo O, He JS, Hirano T, Hopple A, Hughes H, Jarveoja J, Jassal R, Jian J, Kan H, Kaye J, Kominami Y, Liang N, Lipson D, Macdonald CA, Maseyk K, Mathes K, Mauritz M, Mayes MA, McNulty SG, Miao G, Migliavacca M, Miller S, Miniat CF, Nietz JG, Nilsson MB, Noormets A, Norouzi H, O’Connell CS, Osborne B, Oyonarte C, Pang Z, Peichl M, Pendall E, Perez-Quezada JF, Phillips CL, Phillips RP, Raich JW, Renchon AA, Ruehr NK, Sanchez-Canete EP, Saunders M, Savage KE, Schrumpf M, Scott RL, Seibt U, Silver WL, Sun W, Szutu D, Takagi K, Takagi M, Teramoto M, Tjoelker MG, Trumbore S, Ueyama M, Vargas R, Varner RK, Verfaillie J, Vogel C, Wang J, Winston G, Wood TE, Wu J, Wutzler T, Zeng J, Zha T, Zhang Q, Zou J (2020) COSORE: A community database for continuous soil respiration and other soil-atmosphere greenhouse gas flux data. Global Change Biology 26: 7268-7283.
Mitra B, Minick KJ, Miao G, Domec JC, McNulty SG, Sun G, King JS, Noormets A. (2020) Spectral evidence for the multiple drivers of methane fluxes from a lower coastal plain-forested wetland in North Carolina. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 291: 108062, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108062.
Pastorello G, Trotta C, Canfora E, Chu H, Christianson D, Cheah Y-W, Poindexter C, Chen J, Elbashandy A, Humphrey M, Isaac P, Polidori D, Ribeca A, Ingen Cv, Zhang L, Amiro B, Ammann C, Arain MA, Ardö J, Arkebauer T, Arndt SK, Arriga N, Aubinet M, Aurela M, Baldocchi D, Barr A, Beamesderfer E, Marchesini LB, Bergeron O, Beringer J, Bernhofer C, Berveiller D, Billesbach D, Black TA, Blanken PD, Bohrer G, Boike J, Bolstad PV, Bonal D, Bonnefond J-M, Bowling DR, Bracho R, Brodeur J, Brümmer C, Buchmann N, Burban B, Burns SP, Buysse P, Cale P, Cavagna M, Cellier P, Chen S, Chini I, Christensen TR, Cleverly J, Collalti A, Consalvo C, Cook BD, Cook D, Coursolle C, Cremonese E, Curtis PS, D’Andrea E, Rocha Hd, Dai X, Davis KJ, Cinti BD, Grandcourt Ad, Ligne AD, Oliveira RCD, Delpierre N, Desai AR, Bella CMD, Tommasi Pd, Dolman H, Domingo F, Dong G, Dore S, Duce P, Dufrêne E, Dunn A, Dušek J, Eamus D, Eichelmann U, ElKhidir HAM, Eugster W, Ewenz CM, Ewers B, Famulari D, Fares S, Feigenwinter I, Feitz A, Fensholt R, Filippa G, Fischer M, Frank J, Galvagno M, Gharun M, Gianelle D, Gielen B, Gioli B, Gitelson A, Goded I, Goeckede M, Goldstein AH, Gough CM, Goulden ML, Graf A, Griebel A, Gruening C, Grünwald T, Hammerle A, Han S, Han X, Hansen BU, Hanson C, Hatakka J, He Y, Hehn M, Heinesch B, Hinko-Najera N, Hörtnagl L, Hutley L, Ibrom A, Ikawa H, Jackowicz-Korczynski M, Janouš D, Jans W, Jassal R, Jiang S, Kato T, Khomik M, Klatt J, Knohl A, Knox S, Kobayashi H, Koerber G, Kolle O, Kosugi Y, Kotani A, Kowalski A, Kruijt B, Kurbatova J, Kutsch WL, Kwon H, Launiainen S, Laurila T, Law B, Leuning R, Li Y, Liddell M, Limousin J-M, Lion M, Liska A, Lohila A, López-Ballesteros A, López-Blanco E, Loubet B, Loustau D, Lucas-Moffat A, Lüers J, Ma S, Macfarlane C, Magliulo V, Maier R, Mammarella I, Manca G, Marcolla B, Margolis HA, Marras S, Massman W, Mastepanov M, Matamala R, Matthes JH, Mazzenga F, McCaughey H, McHugh I, McMillan AMS, Merbold L, Meyer W, Meyers T, Miller SD, Minerbi S, Moderow U, Monson RK, Montagnani L, Moore CE, Moors E, Moreaux V, Moureaux C, Munger JW, Nakai T, Neirynck J, Nesic Z, Nicolini G, Noormets A, Northwood M, Nosetto M, Nouvellon Y, Novick K, Oechel W, Olesen JE, Ourcival J-M, Papuga SA, Parmentier F-J, Paul-Limoges E, Pavelka M, Peichl M, Pendall E, Phillips RP, Pilegaard K, Pirk N, Posse G, Powell T, Prasse H, Prober SM, Rambal S, Rannik Ü, Raz-Yaseef N, Reed D, Dios VRd, Restrepo-Coupe N, Reverter BR, Roland M, Sabbatini S, Sachs T, Saleska SR, Sánchez-Cañete EP, Sanchez-Mejia ZM, Schmid HP, Schmidt M, Schneider K, Schrader F, Schroder I, Scott RL, Sedlák P, Serrano-Ortíz P, Shao C, Shi P, Shironya I, Siebicke L, Šigut L, Silberstein R, Sirca C, Spano D, Steinbrecher R, Stevens RM, Sturtevant C, Suyker A, Tagesson T, Takanashi S, Tang Y, Tapper N, Thom J, Tiedemann F, Tomassucci M, Tuovinen J-P, Urbanski S, Valentini R, Molen Mvd, Gorsel Ev, Huissteden Kv, Varlagin A, Verfaillie J, Vesala T, Vincke C, Vitale D, Vygodskaya N, Walker JP, Walter-Shea E, Weber HWR, Westermann S, Wille C, Wofsy S, Wohlfahrt G, Wolf S, Woodgate W, Li Y, Zampedri R, Zhang J, Zhou G, Zona D, Agarwal D, Biraud S, Torn M, Papale D. 2020. The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data. Scientific Data 7: 225. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-0534-3
Aguilos M, Mitra B, Noormets A, Minick K, Prajapati P, Gavazzi MJ, Sun G, McNulty SG, Li X, Domec JC, Miao G, King JS (2020) Long-term carbon flux and balance in managed and natural coastal forested wetlands of the Southeastern USA. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 288-289: 108022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108022
Hannun RA, Wolfe GM, Kawa R, Hanisco TF, Newman PA, Alfieri JG, Barrick J, Clark KL, DiGangi JP, Diskin G, King JS, Kustas WP, Mitra B, Noormets A, Nowak JB, Thornhill KL, Vargas R (2020) Spatial heterogeneity in CO2 and CH4 fluxes: insights from airborne eddy covariance measurements over the Mid-Atlantic region. Environmental Research Letters 15: 035008 https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab7391
Yang L, Noormets A (2020) Flux Seasonality Metrics Database: A companion dataset for FLUXNET annual product. The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Environmental Systems Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE). https://data.ess-dive.lbl.gov/view/doi:10.15485/1602532
Feagin RA, Forbrich I, Huff TP, Barr JG, Ruiz-Plancarte J, Fuentes JD, Najjar RG, Vargas R, Vazquez-Lule AL, Windham-Myers L, Kroeger KD, Ward EJ, Moore GW, Leclerc M, Krauss KW, Stagg CL, Alber M, Knox SH, Schäfer KVR, Bianchi TS, Bianchi TS, Hutchings JA, Nahrawi H, Noormets A, Mitra B, James A, Hinson AL, Bergamaschi B, King JS (2020) Tidal wetland Gross Primary Production across the continental United States, 2000-2019. Global Biogeochemical Cycles: https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GB006349
Yang Y, Anderson MC, Gao F, Hain CR, Noormets A, Sun G, Wynne R, Thomas V, Sun L (2020) Investigating impacts of drought and disturbance on evapotranspiration over a forested landscape in North Carolina, USA using high spatiotemporal resolution remotely sensed data. Remote Sensing of Environment 238: art. 111018 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2018.12.017
Li X, Minick K, Noormets A, Miao G, Luff J, Mitra B, Domec J-C, McNulty S, Sun G, King J (2019) Environmental controls and micro-topographic influence on absorptive and transport fine root dynamics in a coastal forested wetland, southeastern USA. Ecosystems: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10021-019-00470-x
Minick KJ, Mitra B, Noormets A, King JS (2019) Saltwater reduces CO2 and CH4 production in organic soils from a coastal freshwater forested wetland. Biogeosciences 16: 4671–4686.
Lin W, Domec JC, Ward EJ, Marshall J, King JS, Laviner MA, Fox TR, West J, Sun G, McNulty SG, Noormets A (2019) A novel simulation analysis for interpreting tree ring cellulose oxygen isotope discrimination of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) in responses to drought and fertilization. Tree Physiology: (In press 2019-08-14)
Knox SH, Jackson RB, Poulter B, McNicol G, Fluet-Chouinard E, Zhang Z, Hugelius G, Bousquet P, Canadell JG, Saunois M, Papale D, Chu HS, Keenan TF, Baldocchi DD, Mammarella I, Aurela M, Bohrer G, Campbell DI, Cescatti A, Chamberlain SD, Chen J, Dengel S, Desai AR, Euskirchen ES, Friborg T, Goeckede M, Heimann M, Helbig M, Kang M, Klatt J, Krauss KW, Kutzbach L, Lohila A, Mitra B, Morin TH, Nilsson M, Niu SL, Noormets A, Oechel WC, Peichl M, Peltola O, Reba ML, Runkle BRK, Ryu Y, Sachs T, Schäfer KVR, Shurpali N, Sonnentag O, Tang ACI, Vesala T, Ward EJ, Windham-Myers L, Zona D (2019) FLUXNET-CH4 Synthesis Activity: Objectives, Observations, and Future Directions. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society Dec, 2607-2632.
Mitra B, Miao G, McNulty SG, Sun G, King JS, Noormets A (2019) Disentangling the effects of temperature and substrate availability on soil CO2 efflux. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences:
Minick KJ, Mitra B, Li X, Noormets A, King JS (2019) Water table drawdown alters soil and microbial carbon pool size and isotope composition in coastal freshwater forested wetlands. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 2: 7.
Minick K, Kelley AM, Miao G, Li X, Noormets A, Mitra B, King JS (2018) Microtopography alters hydrology, phenol oxidase activity and nutrient availability in organic soils of a coastal freshwater forested wetland. Wetland 39(2): 263-273.
Besnard S, Carvalhais N, Arain MA, Black AT, de Bruin S, Buchmann N, Cescatti A, Chen J, Clevers JGPW, Desai AR, Gough CM, Havrankova K, Herold M, Hörtnagl L, Jung M, Knohl A, Kruijt B, Krupkova L, Law BE, Lindroth A, Noormets A, Roupsard O, Steinbrecher R, Varlagin A, Vincke C, Reichstein M (2018) Quantifying the effect of forest age in annual net forest carbon balance. Environmental Research Letters 13: 124018.
Zhang Y, Li W, Sun G, Miao G, Noormets A, Emanuel R, King JS (2018) Understanding coastal wetland hydrology with a new regional scale process-based hydrologic model. Hydrological Processes 32: 3158–3173.
Liu X, Sun G, Mitra B, Noormets A, Gavazzi MJ, Domec JC, Hallema DW, Li J, Fang Y, King JS, McNulty SG (2018) Drought and thinning have limited impacts on evapotranspiration in a managed pine plantation on the southeastern United States coastal plain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 262: 14-23. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.06.025
Colombo R, Celesti M, Bianchi R, Campbell P, Cogliati S, Cook B, Corp L, Damm A, Domec J-C, Guanter L, Julitta T, Middleton EM, Noormets A, Panigada C, Pinto F, Rascher U, Rossini M, Schickling A (2018) Variability of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence according to stand age-related processes in a managed Loblolly pine forest. Global Change Biology 00: 00-00. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14097
Helliker BR, Song X, Goulden ML, Clark K, Bolstad P, Munger JW, Chen J, Noormets A, Dragoni D, Hollinger D, Wofsy S, Martin TA, Baldocchi D, Euskirchen E, Desai A (2018) Assessing the interplay between canopy energy balance and photosynthesis with cellulose d18O: large-scale patterns and independent ground-truthing. Oecologia 187: 995-1007.
Bracho R, Vogel JG, Will RE, Noormets A, Samuelson LJ, Akers M, Cucinella J, Fox TR, Gezan AS, Gonzalez-Benecke C, Jokela EJ, Kane M, Laviner MA, Lin W, Markewitz D, McElligot K, Meek CR, Seiler JR, Strahm B, Teskey RO, Yang J, Martin TA (2018) Carbon accumulation in loblolly pine plantations is increased by fertilization across a soil moisture availability gradient. Forest Ecology and Management 424: 39-52.
Zhu J, Sun G, Li W, Zhang Y, Miao G, Noormets A, McNulty SG, King JS, Kumar M, Wang X (2017) Modeling the Potential Impacts of Climate Change on wetland hydrology in the Southeastern United States. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21: 6289-6305.
*Ward EJ, Domec JC, King JS, Sun G, McNulty SG, Noormets A (2017) TRACC: An open source software for editing and conversion of sap flux data from thermal dissipation probes. Trees (31): 1737-1742.
Miao G, Noormets A, Domec JC, Fuentes MF, Trettin CC, Sun G, McNulty SG, King JS (2017) Hydrology and microtopography control carbon dynamics in wetlands: implications in partitioning ecosystem respiration in a coastal plain forested wetland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 247: 343-355.
Thomas RQ, Brooks E, Jersild A, Ward E, Wynne R, Albaugh TJ, Aldridge HD, Burkhart HE, Domec JC, Fox TR, Gonzalez-Benecke CA, Martin TA, Noormets A, Sampson DA, Teskey RO (2017) Leveraging 35 years of forest research in the southeastern U.S. to constrain carbon cycle predictions: regional data assimilation using ecosystem experiment. Biogeosciences 14: 3525–3547.
Domec JC, Ashley E, Fisher M, Noormets A, Boone J, Williamson JC, King JS (2017) Productivity, biomass partitioning, and energy yield of low-input short-rotation American sycamore grown on marginal land: effects of planting density and simulated drought. Bioenergy Research 10: 903-914. DOI: 10.1007/s12155-017-9852-5
Middleton EM, Rascher U, Corp LA, Huemmrich KF, Cook BD, Noormets A, Schickling A, Pinto F, Alonso L, Damm A, Guanter L, Colombo R, Cogliati S, Juletti T, Campbell PK, Landis DR, Zhang Q, Rossin M, Schuettemeyer D, Bianchi R, McNulty SG, Sun G (2017) The 2013 FLEX – US Airborne Campaign at the Parker Tract Loblolly Pine Plantation in North Carolina, USA. Remote Sensing 9 (612): 1-31.
*Lin W, Noormets A, King JS, Sun G, McNulty SG, Domec JC (2017) An extractive removal step optimized for a high-throughput α-cellulose extraction method for δ13C and δ18O stable isotope ratio analysis in conifer tree rings. Tree Physiology 37: 142-150. doi:10.1093/treephys/tpw084.
Liu C, Sun G, McNulty SG, Noormets A, Fang Y (2016) Environmental controls on seasonal ecosystem evapotranspiration/potential evapotranspiration ratio as determined by the global eddy flux measurements. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 21: 311-322. doi:10.5194/hess-21-311-2017.
Liu C, Sun G, McNulty SG, Noormets A, Fang Y (2016) Environmental controls on seasonal ecosystem evapotranspiration/potential evapotranspiration ratio as determined by the global eddy flux measurements. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 21: 311-322. doi:10.5194/hess-21-311-2017.
Yang Y, Anderson MC, Gao F, Hain CR, Semmens KA, Kustas WP, Noormets A, Wynne RH, Thomas VA, Sun G (2016) Daily Landsat-scale evapotranspiration estimation over a forested landscape in North Carolina, USA using multi-satellite data fusion. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 21: 1017-1037. doi:10.5194/hess-2016-198.
Gamon J, Huemmrich KF, Wong CYS, Ensminger I, Garrity S, Penuelas J, Hollinger D, Noormets A (2016). Remote Sensing of Chlorophyll:Carotenoid Pigment Ratios Reveals Hidden Photosynthetic Phenology in Evergreens. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113: 13087-13092. doi:10.1073/pnas.1606162113.
Novick KA, Ficklin D, Stoy PC, Williams CA, Bohrer G, Oishi AC, Papuga SA, Blanken PD, Noormets A, Sulman BN, Scott RL, Wang L, Phillips RP (2016) The increasing importance of atmospheric demand in regulating ecosystem functioning. Nature Climate Change: 6, 1023-1027. doi:10.1038/nclimate 3114.
Wagle P, Xiao X, Kolb TE, Law BE, Wharton S, Monson RK, Chen J, Blanken PD, Novick KA, Dore S, Noormets A, Gowda PH (2016) Differential responses of carbon and water vapor fluxes to climate among evergreen needleleaf forests across the United States. Ecological Processes, 5: DOI 10.1186/s13717-016-0053-5.
Zhang Y, Song C, Sun G, Band LE, McNulty SG, Noormets A, Zhang Q, Zhang Z (2016) Development of a coupled carbon and water model for estimating global gross primary productivity and evapotranspiration based on eddy flux and remote sensing data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 223: 116-131.
Yao Y, Liang S, Li X, Liu S, Chen J, Zhang X, Jia K, Jiang B, Xie X, Munier S, Liu M, Yu J, Lindroth A, Varlagin A, Raschi A, Noormets A, Pio C, Wohlfahrt G, Sun G, Domec JC, Montagnani L, Lund M, Moors E, Blanken PD, Grünwald T, Wolf S, Magliulo V. (2016) Assessment and simulation of global terrestrial latent heat flux by synthesis of CMIP5 climate models and surface eddy covariance observations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 223: 151-167.
Manoli G, Domec JC, Novick KA, Oishi AC, Noormets A, Marani M, Katul G (2016) Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Conditions Regulating Convective Cloud Formation Above Southeastern US Pine Plantations. Global Change Biology 22: 2238-2254.
Noormets A (2016) Trade-off between forest productivity and carbon sequestration in soil. In: Schweitzer CJ, Clatterbuck WK, Oswalt CM (eds). The 18th biennial southern silvicultural research conference. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station., Knoxville, TN, pp 351-354.
Liu S, Zhuang Q, He Y, Noormets A, Chen J, Gu L (2015) Evaluating the CO2 effects on gross primary productivity and net ecosystem change in the conterminous United States using the Ameriflux data and an artificial neural network approach. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 220: 38-49.
Zhang Y, Song C, Sun G, Band LE, Noormets A, Zhang Q (2015) Understanding moisture stress on light-use efficiency for different biomes based on global flux tower and remote sensing data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 120: 2053-2066. DOI: 10.1002/2015JG003023.
Gonzalez-Benecke CA, Teskey RO, Martin TA, Jokela EJ, Fox TR, Kane MB, Noormets A (2015) Regional validation and improved parameterization of the 3-PG model for Pinus taeda stands. Forest Ecology and Management 361: 237-256.
Noormets A, Nouvellon Y (2015) Introduction for special issue: Carbon, water and nutrient cycling in managed forests. Forest Ecology and Management 355: 1-3.
Noormets A, Epron D, Domec JC, McNulty SG, Fox TD, Sun G, King JS (2015) Effects of forest management on productivity and carbon sequestration: a review and hypothesis. Forest Ecology and Management: 355, 124-140.
Domec J-C, Ward EJ, Oishi AC, Palmroth S, Radecki A, Bell DM, Miao G, Gavazzi M, Johnson DM, King JS, McNulty SG, Oren R, Sun G, Noormets A (2015) Conversion of natural forests to managed forest plantations impacts tree response to climatic variable and affects negatively tree resistance to prolonged droughts. Forest Ecology and Management, 355: 58-71.
Ward EJ, Domec JC, Laviner MA, Fox TD, Sun G, McNulty SG, King JS, Noormets A (2015) Fertilization simulates drought. Water use and stomatal conductance of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) in a factorial fertilization and throughfall reduction experiment. Forest Ecology and Management: 355, 72-82.
Tian S, Youssef MA, Sun G, Chescheir GM, Noormets A, Amatya DM, Skaggs RW, King JS, McNulty S, Gavazzi M, Miao G, Domec J-C (2015) Testing DRAINMOD-FOREST for predicting evapotranspiration in a mid-rotation pine plantation. Forest Ecology and Management 355: 37-47.
Will RE, Fox TR, Akers M, Domec J-C, Gonzalez-Benecke C, Jokela EJ, Kane M, Laviner MA, Lokuta G, Markewitz D, McGuire MA, Meek C, Noormets A, Samuelson L, Seiler J, Strahm BD, Teskey RO, Vogel J, Ward EJ, West J, Wilson D, Martin T (2015) A range-wide experiment to investigate nutrient and soil moisture interactions in loblolly pine plantations. Forests 6: 2014-2028. doi:10.3390/f6062014.
Noormets A (2015) Olevi Kulli mõju teaduses / Lasting impact on science. In: Püttsepp J. (Ed.), Ökoloog Olevi Kull: Et headel inimestel hästi läheks … / Ecologist Olevi Kull: May good people have it good … Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, pp. 100-103.
Fang Y, Sun G, Caldwell P, McNulty SG, Noormets A, Domec JC, King J, Zhang Z, Zhang X, Lin G, Zhou GS, Xiao JF, Chen J (2015) Monthly scale land cover-specific evapotranspiration models derived from global eddy flux measurements and remote sensing data. Ecohydrology, In press. doi:10.1002/eco.1629
Kang M, Zhang Z, Noormets A, Fang X, Zha T, Zhou J, Sun G, McNulty SG, Chen J (2015) Energy partitioning and surface resistance of a poplar plantation in northern China. Biogeosciences 12, 4245-4259.
Wu X, Ju W, Zhou Y, He M, Law BE, Black A, Margolis HA, Cescatti A, Gu L, Montagnani L, Noormets A, Griffis TJ, Pilegaard K, Varlagin A, Valentini R, Blanken PD, Wang S, Wang H, Han S, Yan J, Li Y, Zhou B, Liu Y, 2015. Performance of linear and nonlinear two-leaf light use efficiency models at different temporal scales. Remote Sensing 7, 2238-2278.
Wang W, Xiao J, Ollinger SV, Desai AR, Chen J, Noormets A (2014) Quantifying the effects of harvesting on carbon fluxes and stocks in northern temperate forests. Biogeosciences 11, 6667-6682.
Song B, Niu S, Luo R, Luo Y, chen J, Yu G, Olejnik J, Wohlfahrt G, Kiely G, Noormets A, Montagnani L, Cescatti A, Magliulo V, Law BE, Lund M, Varlagin A, Raschi A, Peichl M, Nilsson MB, Merbold L (2014) Divergent apparent temperature sensitivity of terrestrial ecosystem respiration. Journal of Plant Ecology 7, 419-428.
Xie J, Sun G, Chu H-S, Liu J, McNulty SG, Noormets A, John R, Ouyang Z, Zha T, Li H, Guan W, Chen J (2014) Long-term variability in the water budget and its controls in an oak-dominated temperate forest. Hydrological Processes: DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10079.
Xie J, Chen J, Sun G, Chu H, Noormets A, Ouyang Z, John R, Wan S, Guan W. 2014. Long-term variability and environmental control of the carbon cycle in an oak-dominated temperate forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 313: 319-328.
Miao G, Noormets A, Domec JC, Trettin CC, McNulty SG, Sun G, King JS. 2013. The effect of water table fluctuation on soil respiration in a lower coastal plain forested wetland in the southeastern USA. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, 118: doi: 10.1002/2013JG002354. ● highlighted in Carolina Climate Listserv (01/17/2014)
Zhou J, Zhang Z, Sun G, Fang X, Zha T, McNulty SG, Chen J, Jin Y, Noormets A. 2013. Response of ecosystem carbon fluxes to drought events in a poplar plantation in Northern China. Forest Ecology and Management 300: 33-42.
Olson DM, Griffis TJ, Noormets A, Kolka RK, Chen J. 2013. Interannual, seasonal, and retrospective analysis of the methane and carbon dioxide budgets of a temperate peatland. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences: 118: 226-238.
John* R, Chen J, Noormets A, Xiao X, Xu J, Lu N*, Chen S. 2013. Modeling gross primary production in semi-arid Inner Mongolia using MODIS imagery and eddy covariance data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 34: 2829-2857.
Domec JC, Sun G, Noormets A, Gavazzi MJ, Treasure EA, Cohen E, Swenson J, McNulty SG, King JS. 2012. Water flux components and their responses to drought in two intensively managed coastal plain loblolly pine forests: method comparisons. Forest Science 58: 497-512.
Noormets A, McNulty SG, Domec JC, Gavazzi M, Sun G, King JS. 2012. The role of harvest residue in rotation cycle carbon balance in loblolly pine plantations. Respiration partitioning approach. Global Change Biology 18: 3186–3201.
Domec JC, Ogee J, Noormets A, Jouangy J, Gavazzi MJ, Treasure EA, Sun G, McNulty SG, King JS. 2012. The impact of soil texture and future climatic conditions on root hydraulic redistribution and consequences for the carbon and water budgets of Southern US pine plantations. Tree Physiology. doi: 10.1093/treephys/tps018.
Niu S, Luo Y, Fei S, Yuan W, Schimel D, Ammann C, Arain MA, Arneth A, Aubinet M, Barr A, Beringer J, Bernhofer C, Black AT, Buchmann N, Cescatti A, Chen J, Davis KJ, Dellwik E, Desai AR, Dolman H, Etzold S, Francois L, Gianelle D, Gielen B, Goldstein A, Groenendijk M, Gu L, Hanan N, Helfter C, Hirano T, Hollinger DY, Jones MB, Kiely G, Kolb TE, Kutsch WL, Lafleur P, Law BE, Lawrence DM, Li L, Lindroth A, Litvak M, Loustau D, Lund M, Ma S, Marek M, Martin TA, Matteucci G, Migliavacca M, Montagnani L, Moors E, Munger JW, Noormets A, Oechel W, Olejnik J, Paw U KT, Pilegaard K, Rambal S, Raschi A, Saleska S, Scott RL, Seufert G, Spano D, Stoy P, Sutton MA, Varlagin A, Vesala T, Weng E, Wohlfahrt G, Yang B, Zhang Z, Zhou X. 2012. Thermal optimality of net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide and underlying mechanisms. New Phytologist 194: 775-783.
Zhou JX, Wei Y, Yang J, Yang XH, Jiang ZP, Chen JQ, Noormets A, Zhao XZ. 2011. Carbon budget and its response to environmental factors in young and mature poplar plantations along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China. Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment 9: 818-825.
Sun G, Caldwell P, Noormets A, McNulty SG, Cohen E, Moore Myers J, Domec JC, Treasure EA, Mu Q, Xiao J, John R, Chen J. 2011. Upscaling key ecosystem functions across the conterminous United States by a water-centric ecosystem model. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences doi:10.1029/2010JG001573.
Xiao J, Zhuang Q, Law BE, Baldocchi DD, Chen J, Richardson AD, Melillo JM, Davis KJ, Hollinger DY, Wharton S, Oren R, Noormets A, Fischer ML, Verma SB, Cook DR, Sun G, McNulty S, Wofsy SC, Bolstad PV, Burns SP, Curtis PS, Drake BG, Falk M, Foster DR, Gu L, Hadley JL, Katul GG, Litvak M, Ma S, Martin TA, Matamala R, Meyers TP, Monson RK, Munger JW, Oechel WC, Paw UKT, Schmid HP, Scott RL, Starr G, Suyker AE, Torn MS. 2011. Assessing net ecosystem carbon exchange of U.S. terrestrial ecosystems by integrating eddy covariance flux measurements and satellite observations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151:60-9.
Sun G, Alstad KP, Chen J, Chen S, Ford CR, Lin G, Liu C, Lu N, McNulty SG, Miao H, Noormets A, Vose JM, Wilske B, Zeppel M, Zhang Y, Zhang Z. 2010. A general predictive model for estimating monthly ecosystem evapotranspiration. Ecohydrology, DOI: 10.1002/eco.194.
Yi C, Ricciuto DA, Li R, Wolbeck J, Xu X, Nilsson M, Aires L, Albertson JD, Ammann C, Arain MA, de Araujo AC, Aubinet M, Aurela M, Barcza Z, Barr A, Berbigier P, Beringer J, Bernhofer C, Black TA, Bolstad PV, Bosveld FC, Broadmeadow MSJ, Buchmann N, Burns SP, Cellier P, Chen J, Chen J, Ciais P, Clement R, Cook BD, Curtis PS, Dail BD, Dellwik E, Delpierre N, Desai AR, Dore S, Dragoni D, Drake BG, Dufrene E, Dunn A, Elbers J, Eugster W, Falk M, Feigenwinter C, Flanagan LB, Foken T, Frank J, Fuhrer J, Gianelle D, Goldstein A, Goulden M, Granier A, Grünwald T, Gu L, Guo H, Hammerle A, Han S-J, Hanan NP, Haszpra L, Heinesch B, Helfter C, Hendriks D, Hutley LB, Ibrom A, Jacobs C, Johansson T, Jongen M, Katul GG, Kiely G, Klumpp K, Knohl A, Kolb T, Kutsch WL, Lafleur PM, Laurila T, Leuning R, Lindroth A, Liu H, Loubet B, Manca G, Marek M, Margolis HA, Martin TA, Massman WJ, Matamala R, Matteucci G, McCaughey H, Merbold L, Meyers T, Migliavacca M, Miglietta F, Misson L, Mölder M, Moncrieff J, Monson RK, Montagnani L, Montes-Helu M, Moureaux C, Mukelabai MM, Munger JW, Myklebust M, Nagy Z, Noormets A, Oechel W, Oren R, Pallardy SG, Paw U KT, Pereira JS, Pilegaard K, Pinter K, Pio C, Pita G, Powell TL, Rambal S, Randerson J, von Randow C, Rebmann C, Rinne J, Rossi F, Roulet N, Ryel RJ, Sagerfors J, Saigusa N, Sanz MJ, Scarascia Mugnozza G, Schmid HP, Seufert G, Siqueira M, Soussana JF, Starr G, Sutton MA, Tenhunen J, Tuba Z, Tuovinen J, P., Valentini R, Vogel CS, Wang J, Wang S, Wang W, Welp LR, Wen XF, Wharton S, Wilkinson M, Williams CA, Wohlfahrt G, Yamamoto S, Yu GR, Zampedri R, Zhao B, Zhao X. 2010. Climate control of terrestrial carbon exchange across biomes and continents. Environmental Research Letters 5: 034007. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/5/3/034007.
Amiro BD, Barr AG, Barr JG, Black AT, Brancho R, Brown M, Chen J, Clark KL, Davis KJ, Desai AR, Dore S, Engel VC, Fuentes JD, Goldstein AH, Goulden ML, Kolb TE, Lavigne MB, Law BE, Margolis HA, Martin T, McCaughey JH, Misson L, Montes-Helu M, Noormets A, Randerson JT, Starr G, Xiao J (2010) Ecosystem carbon dioxide fluxes after disturbance in forests of North America. Journal of Geophysical Research. G. Biogeosciences doi:10.1029/2010JG001390.
Noormets A, Sun G, McNulty SG, Gavazzi M, Chen J, Domec JC, King JS, Amatya DM, Skaggs RW, 2010. Corrigendum: “Energy and water balances of two contrasting loblolly pine plantations on the lower coastal plain of North Carolina, USA” Foreco 259: 1299-1310. Forest Ecology and Management 260: 169.
Domec JC, King JS, Noormets A, Treasure EA, Gavazzi MJ, Sun G, McNulty SG. 2010 Hydraulic redistribution of soil water affects whole stand evapotranspiration and net ecosystem carbon exchange. New Phytologist 187: 171-183.
Noormets A, Kull O, Sôber A, Kubiske ME, Karnosky DF. 2010. Elevated CO2 response of photosynthesis depends on ozone concentration in aspen. Environmental Pollution doi:10.1016/ j.envpol.2009.10.009.
Lenz KE, Host GE, Roskoski K, Noormets A, Sôber A, Karnosky DF. 2010. Analysis of a Farquhar-von Caemmerer-Berry leaf-level photosynthetic rate model for Populus tremuloides in the context of modeling and measurement limitations. Environmental Pollution doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2009.08.004.
Noormets A, McNulty SG, Gavazzi MJ, Sun G, Domec JC, King J, Chen J, 2010. Response of carbon fluxes to drought in a coastal plain loblolly pine forest. Global Change Biology 16: 272-287.
Sun G, Noormets A, Gavazzi M, McNulty SG, Chen J, Domec JC, King JS, Amatya DM, Skaggs RW, 2010. Energy and water balances of two contrasting loblolly pine plantations on the lower coastal plain of North Carolina, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 259: 1299-1310.
Xiao J, Zhuang Q, Law BE, Chen J, Baldocchi DD, Cook DR, Oren R, Richardson AD, Wharton S, Ma S, Martin TA, Verma SB, Suyker AE, Scott RL, Monson RK, Litvak M, Hollinger DY, Sun G, Davis KJ, Bolstad PV, Burns SP, Curtis PS, Drake BG, Falk M, Fischer ML, Foster DR, Gu L, Hadley JL, Katul GG, Matamala R, McNulty SG, Meyers TP, Munger JW, Noormets A, Oechel WC, Paw U KT, Schmid HP, Starr G, Torn MS, Wofsy S. 2010. A continuous measure of gross primary productivity for the conterminous U.S. derived from MODIS and AmeriFlux data. Remote Sensing of Environment 114: 576-591.
Guo HQ, Noormets A, Zhao B, Chen J, Sun G, Gu YL, B., Chen J. 2009. Tidal effects on net ecosystem exchange of carbon in an estuarine wetland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 149: 1820-1828.
Van Gorsel E, Delpierre N, Leuning R, Black AT, Munger JW, Wofsy SC, Aubinet M, Feigenwinter C, Beringer J, Bonal D, Chen BZ, Chen J, Clement R, Davis KJ, Desai A, Dragoni D, Etzold S, Grunwald T, Gu L, Heinesch B, Hutyra LR, Jans W, Kutsch W, Law BE, Leclerc MY, Mammarella I, Montagnani L, Noormets A, Rebmann C, Wharton S, 2009. Estimating nocturnal ecosystem respiration from the vertical turbulent flux and change in storage of CO2. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 149: 1919-1930.
Wilske B, Lu N, Wei L, Chen S, Zha T, Liu C, Xu W, Noormets A, Huang J, Wei Y, Chen J, Zhang Z, Ni J, Sun G, Guo K, McNulty SG, John R, Chen J, Han XG, Lin G. 2009. Poplar plantation has the potential to alter the water balance in semiarid Inner Mongolia. Journal of Environmental Management 90: 2762-2770.
Domec JC, Noormets A, King JS, Sun G, McNulty SG, Gavazzi MJ, Boggs JL, Treasure EA, 2009. Decoupling the influence of leaf and root hydraulic conductances on stomatal conductance and its sensitivity to vapor pressure deficit as soil dries in a drained loblolly pine plantation. Plant, Cell and Environment 32: 980-991.
Chen J, Bridgham SD, Pastor J, Noormets A, Keller J, Weltzin JF, 2008. Temperature responses to infrared-loading and water table manipulations in peatland mesocosms. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 50: 1484-1496.
Xiao J, Zhuang Q, Baldocchi DD, Law BE, Richardson AD, Chen J, Oren R, Starr G, Noormets A, Ma S, Verma SB, Wharton S, Wofsy SC, Bolstad PV, Burns SP, Cook DR, Curtis PS, Drake BG, Falk M, Fischer ML, Foster DR, Gu L, Hadley JL, Hollinger DY, Katul GG, Litvak M, Martin TA, Matamala R, McNulty SG, Meyers TP, Monson RK, Munger JW, Oechel WC, Paw U KT, Schmid HP, Scott RL, Sun G, Suyker AE, Torn MS, 2008. Estimation of net ecosystem carbon exchange for the conterminous United States by combining MODIS and AmeriFlux data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148: 1827-1847.
Noormets A, McNulty SG, DeForest JL, Sun G, Li Q, Chen J. 2008. Drought during canopy development has lasting effect on annual carbon balance in a deciduous temperate forest. New Phytologist 179: 818-828.
John R, Chen J, Lu N, Guo K, Liang C, Wei Y, Noormets A, Ma K, Han X. 2008. Predicting plant diversity based on remote sensing products in the semi-arid region of Inner Mongolia. Remote Sensing of Environment 112: 2018-2032.
Desai AR, Richardson AD, Moffat AM, Kattge J, Hollinger DY, Barr A, Falge E, Noormets A, Papale D, Reichstein M, Stauch VJ, 2008. Cross site evaluation of eddy covariance GPP and RE decomposition techniques. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148: 821-838.
Oren R, Kull K, Noormets A, 2008. Olevi Kull’s lifetime contribution to ecology. Tree Physiology 28: 483-490.
Sun G, Noormets A, Chen J, McNulty SG, 2008. Forest energy and water balances across a management gradient in northern Wisconsin, USA. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148: 257-267.
Noormets A, Desai A, Cook BD, Euskirchen E, Ricciuto D, Davis KJ, Bolstad PV, Schmid HP, Vogel CV, Carey EV, Su HB, Chen J, 2008. Moisture sensitivity of ecosystem respiration. Comparison of 14 forest ecosystems in northern Wisconsin, USA. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148: 216-230.
Desai AR, Noormets A, Bolstad PV, Chen J, Cook BD, Curtis PV, Davis KJ, Euskirchen ES, Gough C, Martin JM, Ricciuto DM, Schmid HP, Su HB, Tang J, Vogel C, Wang W, 2008. Influence of vegetation type, stand age and climate on carbon dioxide fluxes across the Upper Midwest, USA: Implications for regional scaling of carbon flux. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148: 288-308.
Ryu S-R, Chen J, Noormets A, Bresee MK, Ollinger SV, 2008. Comparisons and insights of predicted (PnET-Day) and measured gross carbon exchange in northern Wisconsin forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148: 247-256.
Moffat AM, Papale D, Reichstein M, Barr AG, Beckstein C, Braswell BH, Churkina G, Desai AR, Falge E, Gove JH, Heimann M, Hollinger DY, Hui D, Jarvis AJ, Kattge J, Noormets A, Richardson AD, Stauch VJ. 2007. Comprehensive comparison of gap filling techniques for eddy covariance net carbon fluxes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 147: 209-232.
Noormets A, Chen J, Crow T, 2007. Age-related changes in forest carbon fluxes in a managed northern Wisconsin landscape. Ecosystems 10: 187-203.
DeForest JL, Noormets A, McNulty SG, Tenney G, Sun G, Chen J, 2006. Phenophases alter the soil respiration-temperature relationship in an oak-dominated forest. International Journal of Biometeorology 51: 135-144.
Zheng D, Chen J, Noormets A, Euskirchen ES, Le Moine J, 2005. Effects of climate and land use on landscape soil respiration in northern Wisconsin, USA: 1972 to 2001. Climate Research 28: 163-173.
Noormets A, Chen J, Bridgham SD, Weltzin JF, Pastor J, Dewey B, LeMoine J, 2004. The effects of infrared loading and water table on soil energy fluxes in northern peatlands. Ecosystems 7: 573-582. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-004-0013-2.
Chen J, Brosofske KD, Noormets A, Crow TR, Bresee MK, LeMoine JM, Euskirchen ES, Mather SV, Zheng D, 2004. A Working framework for quantifying carbon sequestration in disturbed land mosaics. Environmental Management 33: S210-S221. art. no. 10.1007/s00267-003-9131-4.
Karnosky DF, Zak DR, Pregitzer KS, Awmack CS, Bockheim JG, Dickson RE, Hendrey G, Host GE, King JS, Kopper BJ, Kruger EL, Kubiske ME, Lindroth RL, Mattson WJ, McDonald EP, Noormets A, Oksanen E, Parsons WFJ, Percy KE, Podila GK, Riemenschneider DE, Sharma P, Thakur R, Sôber A, Sôber J, Jones WS, Anttonen S, Vapaavuori E, Isebrands JG, 2003. Tropospheric O3 moderate responses of temperate hardwood forests to elevated CO2: A synthesis of molecular to ecosystem results from the Aspen FACE project. Functional Ecology 17: 289-304.
Karnosky DF, Percy KE, Xiang B, Callan B, Noormets A, Mankovska B, Hopkin A, Sôber J, Jones W, Dickson RE, Isebrands JG, 2002. Interacting elevated CO2 and tropospheric O3 predispose aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) to infection by rust (Melampsora medusae f. sp. tremuloidae). Global Change Biology 8: 329-338.
Wustman BA, Oksanen E, Karnosky DF, Noormets A, Isebrands JG, Pregitzer KS, Hendrey GR, Sober J, Podila GK, 2001. Effects of elevated CO2 and O3 on aspen clones varying in O3 sensitivity: can CO2 ameliorate the harmful effects of O3? Environmental Pollution 115: 473-481.
Noormets A, McDonald EP, Dickson RE, Kruger EL, Sôber A, Isebrands JG, Karnosky DF, 2001. The effect of elevated CO2 and O3 on leaf and branch level photosynthesis and potential plant level carbon gain in aspen. Trees 15: 262-270.
Noormets A, Sôber A, Pell EJ, Dickson RE, Podila GK, Sôber J, Isebrands JG, Karnosky DF, 2001. Stomatal and non-stomatal limitation to photosynthesis in two trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) clones exposed to elevated CO2 and/or O3. Plant, Cell & Environment 24: 327-336.
Noormets A, Podila GK, Karnosky DF, 2000. Rapid response of antioxidant enzymes to O3-induced oxidative stress in Populus tremuloides clones varying in O3 tolerance. Forest Genetics 7: 339-342.
Akkapeddi AS, Noormets A, Deo BK, Karnosky DF, Podila GK, 1999. Gene structure and expression of the aspen cytosolic copper/zinc-superoxide dismutase (PtSodCc1). Plant Science 143: 151-162.
Karnosky DF, Mankovska B, Percy K, Dickson RE, Podila GK, Sôber J, Noormets A, Hendrey G, Coleman MD, Kubiske M, Pregitzer KS, Isebrands JG, 1999. Effects of tropospheric O3 on trembling aspen and interaction with CO2: Results from an O3-gradient and a FACE experiment. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 116: 311-322.
Kull O, Koppel A, Noormets A, 1998. Seasonal changes in leaf nitrogen pools in two Salix species. Tree Physiology 18: 45-51.
Noormets A (Ed.) 2009. Phenology of ecosystem processes: Applications in global change research. Springer, New York, pp. 261.
Book chapters
Noormets A, 2009. Preface. In: Phenology of ecosystem processes (Ed. Noormets A), Springer, New York, pp. ix-xiii. (In press)
Noormets A, Chen J, Gu L, Desai A, 2009. The phenology of gross ecosystem productivity and ecosystem respiration in temperate hardwood and conifer chronosequences. In: Phenology of ecosystem processes (Ed. Noormets A), Springer, New York, pp. 57-82. (In press)
Silbernagel J, Chen J, Noormets A, Song B, 2006. Conducting sound ecological studies at the landscape scale: hypotheses, experiments and challenges. In: Ecology of Hierarchical Landscapes: From Theory to Application (Eds. Jiquan Chen, Sari C. Saunders, Kimberly D. Brosofske, and Thomas R. Crow), Nova Publishers, Carbondale, IL, USA, pp. 283-297.
Noormets A, Ewers B, Sun G, Mackay S, Zheng D, McNulty S, Chen J, 2006. Water and carbon cycles in heterogeneous landscapes: an ecosystem perspective. In: Ecology of Hierarchical Landscapes: From Theory to Application (Eds. Jiquan Chen, Sari C. Saunders, Kimberly D. Brosofske, and Thomas R. Crow), Nova Publishers, Carbondale, IL, USA, pp. 89-123.
Karnosky DF, Percy K, Mankovska B, Prichard T, Noormets A, Dickson RE, Jepsen E, Isebrands JG, 2003. Ozone affects the fitness of trembling aspen. In: Air Pollution, Global Change and Forests in the New Millennium (Eds. David F. Karnosky, Kevin E. Percy, Art H. Chappelka, C. Simpson and Janet Pikkarainen), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 199-209.
Wustman BA, Oksanen E, Karnosky DF, Noormets A, Isebrands JG, Pregitzer KS, Hendrey GR, Sôber J, Podila GK, 2003. Effects of elevated CO2 and O3 on aspen clones of varying O3 sensitivity: Can CO2 ameliorate the harmful effects of O3? In: Air Pollution, Global Change and Forests in the New Millennium (Eds. David F. Karnosky, Kevin E. Percy, Art H. Chappelka, C. Simpson and Janet Pikkarainen), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 391-409.
Karnosky DF, Percy K, Mankovska B, Pritchard T, Noormets A, Dickson RE, Jepsen E, Isebrands JG, 2002. Ozone Effects on the Competitive Ability and Fitness of Aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) Trees: Growth, Survival and Leaf Surface Impacts Along an Ozone Gradient Over a Five-year Period. Elsevier Press.
Karnosky DF, Mankovska B, Percy K, Dickson RE, Podila GK, Sôber J, Noormets A, Hendrey G, Coleman MD, Kubiske M, Pregitzer KS, Isebrands JG, 1999. Effects of tropospheric O3 on trembling aspen and interaction with CO2: Results from an O3-gradient and a FACE experiment. In: Forest Growth Responses to the Pollution Climate of the 21st Century (Eds. Lucy J. Sheppard and J. Neil Cape), Kluwer Academic Publishers, London, 116:311-322.
Conference presentations
Noormets A, McNulty SG, Gavazzi M, Domec JC, Sun G, King JS, Chen J, 2008. Ecosystem carbon balance and vulnerability of soil carbon in a drained lower coastal plain loblolly pine plantation. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 15-19, 2008.
Domec J, Noormets A, King JS, McNulty SG, Sun G, Gavazzi MJ, Boggs JL, 2008. Decoupling the influence of leaf and root hydraulic conductances on stomatal conductance and its sensitivity to vapor pressure deficit as soil dries in a drained Loblolly pine plantation. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 15-19, 2008.
Noormets A, Gavazzi M, McNulty SG, Sun G, Domec JC, King JS, Chen J, 2008. Carbon balance of lower coastal plain forests. Ecological Society of America, Milwaukee, WI, August 4.
Law BE, Noormets A, Grace J, 2007. The effects of disturbance on forest carbon processes. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 10-14, 2007.
Alstad KP, Sun G, Chen J, Noormets A, McNulty SG, 2007. Estimating ET for a mixed oak forest using two methods: eddy-covariance and the soil water budget. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 10-14, 2007.
Domec J, Noormets A, King JS, Sun G, McNulty SG, Gavazzi MJ, Strickland S, Boggs JL, 2007. Hydraulic redistribution of soil water in a drained Loblolly pine plantation: Quantifying patterns and controls over soil-to-root and canopy-to-atmosphere interactions. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 10-14, 2007.
Moffat AM, Papale D, Reichstein M, Hollinger DY, Richardson AD, Barr AG, Beckstein C, Braswell BH, Churkina G, Desai AR, Falge E, Gove JH, Heimann M, Hui D, Jarvis AJ, Kattge J, Noormets A, Stauch VJ, 2007. Comprehensive comparison of gap filling techniques for eddy covariance net carbon fluxes. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 10-14, 2007.
Quirino VF, Wynne RH, Noormets A, Huemmrich KF, Sun G, McNulty SG, 2007. Identifying temporal patterns in light use efficiency for two Loblolly pine plantations in a drained lower coastal plain region of North Carolina, USA. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 10-14, 2007.
Wilske B, Lu N, Chen S, Liu C, Xu W, Noormets A, Wei L, Lin G, Miao H, Wei Y, Zhang Z, Chen J, Zha T, Ni J, Sun G, Guo K, McNulty SG, John R, Chen J, 2007. Effects of large scale poplar plantations on the hydrology of semiarid areas in Inner Mongolia. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 10-14, 2007.
Noormets A, Gavazzi M, Sun G, Chen J, McNulty SG, 2007. Changes in temperature-moisture covariance could increase soil carbon loss. Ecological Society of America, San Jose, CA, August 7.
Noormets A, 2005. Regulation of ecosystem respiration. ChEAS VIII Annual Meeting, Kemp Natural Resrouces Station, Woodruff, WI, June 1-2.
Noormets A, Chen J, 2004. Environmental regulation of ecosystem carbon fluxes in a managed landscape in northern Wisconsin. Ecological Society of America, Portland OR, August 5.
Noormets A, Chen J, 2004. Landscape level variation in ecosystem carbon fluxes. ChEAS VII Annual Meeting, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, June 23-25.
Noormets A, Chen J, Crow T, Gustafson E, 2003. Carbon exchange in managed forest ecosystems: Seasonal dynamics. Annual Ameriflux Meeting, October 14-16, 2003, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Noormets A, Chen J, Crow T, 2003. Carbon exchange in managed forest ecosystems: Environmental regulation. Annual Ameriflux Meeting, October 14-16, 2003, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Ryu S, Noormets A, Chen J, Crow T, 2003. Comparisons of modeled (PnET-Day) and measured carbon exchange in managed forest ecosystems in Northern Wisconsin. Annual Ameriflux Meeting, October 14-16, 2003, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Noormets A, Chen J, 2003. Eddy covariance – estimating ecosystem fluxes of carbon and water. BAE-NCSU Meeting, Sept. 10, 2003. Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
Noormets A, Chen J, 2003. Carbon fluxes in a managed Northern Wisconsin landscape. Chequamegon Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (ChEAS) 2003 Meeting. Kemp Natural Resources Station, Woodruff, Wisconsin, USA. June 29 – July 2, 2003.
Chen J, Brosofske K, Noormets A, Crow T, Ryu SR, 2003. Carbon flux and cumulative NEP of disturbed land mosaics in a changing climate. Chequamegon Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (ChEAS) 2003 Meeting. Kemp Natural Resources Station, Woodruff, Wisconsin, USA. June 29 – July 2, 2003.
Noormets A, Chen J, Crow TR, Brosofske K, 2003. Water use efficiency in a managed Northern Wisconsin landscape: variation among ecosystems. Western Great Lakes Research Conference and Chequamegon Bay Area Natural Resources Conference. April 9-11, 2003. Western Great Lakes Visitor Center, Ashland, Wisconsin, USA.
Noormets A, Chen J, Bridgham S, Pastor J, Weltzin JF, Harth C, Dewey B, LeMoine J, 2002. The effect of infrared loading and soil water table on soil energy fluxes in northern peatlands. The Ecological Society of America. 87th Annual Meeting. Understanding and restoring ecosystems. A Convention.
Noormets A, Chen J, Brosofske K, Crow TR, Gustafson E, Euskirchen E, 2002. Carbon exchange and cumulative NEP of disturbed land mosaics. Conceptual model. IUFRO Landscape Ecology Section.
Noormets A, McDonald E, Kruger E, Isebrands JG, Dickson RE, Karnosky DF, 2000. Aboveground carbon budgets under elevated atmospheric CO2 and/or O3 for two aspen genotypes differing in O3 tolerance. Proceedings: Air Pollution, Global Change and Forests in the New Millennium. The 19th International Meeting for Specialists in Air Pollution Effects on Forest Ecosystems, Houghton, Michigan, USA (Abstract, p. 60).
Isebrands JG, Pregitzer KS, Hendrey GR, Percy KE, Dickson RE, Noormets A, Sôber A, Sober A, Kruger E, McDonald E, Karnosky DF, 2000. Influence of interacting elevated atmospheric CO2 and O3 on carbon sequestration in a regenerating northern hardwood forest. The Role of Boreal Forests and Forestry in the Global Carbon Budget. Canadian Forest Service and International Boreal Forest Research Association.
Noormets A, Isebrands JG, Karnosky DF, 2000. The effect of elevated CO2 and/or O3 on the seasonal changes of leaf photosynthesis and respiration in aspen (Populus tremuloides). Plant Biology 2000. The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists. American Society of Plant Physiologists.
Sôber A, Noormets A, Sôber J, Isebrands JG, Karnosky DF, 2000. Photosynthetic parameters and stomatal conductance of aspen under elevated CO2 and O3 as affected by leaf hydraulic properties. Proceedings: Air Pollution, Global Change and Forests in the New Millennium. The 19th International Meeting for Specialists in Air Pollution Effects on Forest Ecosystems, Houghton, Michigan USA (Abstract, p. 79).
Sôber A, Noormets A, Isebrands JG, Sôber J, Karnosky DF, 2000. Hydraulic properties of aspen leaves as affected by leaf age and elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide and (or) ozone. Proceedings: Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists. Plant Biology 2000. pp. 97.
Karnosky DF, Noormets A, Sôber A, Percy KE, Mankovska B, Sôber J, Zak D, Pregitzer KS, Mattson W, Dickson RE, Riemenschneider D, Podila GK, Hendrey GR, Lewin K, Nagy J, Isebrands JG, 1999. Preliminary results from the FACTS 2 (ASPEN FACE) experiment: Interactions of elevated CO2 and O3. Proc. Symp. Carbon dioxide and vegetation. National Institute for Environmental Studies. Tsukuba, Japan.
Noormets A, Isebrands JG, Podila GK, Karnosky DF, 1999. Stomatal versus mesophyll control of instantaneous photosynthesis in trembling aspen exposed to elevated CO2 and/or O3. Plant Biology ’99. The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists. American Society of Plant Physiologists. pp. 119.
Noormets A, Karnosky DF, Podila GK, 1998. Antioxidant response of Populus tremuloides Michx. in early stages of oxidative stress. Plant Biology ’98. The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists. American Society of Plant Physiologists. pp. 91.
Noormets A, Kull O, Koppel A, 1995. Nitrogen dynamics in Salix leaves during the first production year. In: Perttu K, Koppel A (Eds). Short Rotation Willow Coppice for Renewable Energy and Improved Environment. Proceedings of a joint Swedish-Estonian seminar on Energy Forestry and Vegetation Filters held in Tartu 24-26 September 1995. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala. pp. 51-60.