January 2025
Asko got elected Texas A&M AgriLife Research Faculty Fellow
December 2024
Benju received the Ann Miller Gonzalez Research Grants for Graduate Students from the Native Plant Society of Texas. Congratulations!
Benju, Dohee and Moeka attended AGU, hosting the session “B11F. Carbon Allocation Dynamics: From Plant to Ecosystem Scale”, and presenting their own work.
Benju’s poster: B11F-1380. Carbon Dynamics in a Shortleaf Pine Forest Amidst a Two-Year Drought
Dohee’s oral presentation: B41B-06. Understanding inhibition of daytime ecosystem respiration: Insights into diurnal dynamics and carbohydrate physiology
Moeka’s poster: B43C-1549. On the Carbohydrate Substrate Dependence of Soil Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Respiration
October 2024
Benju passed the qualifying exam and proposal defense in flying colors. Congratulations!
Boyu and Corrina received departmental awards. Congratulations!
September 2024
Boyu joins the lab. Welcome!
July 2024
Guofang Miao visited us for a month! Lots of productive conversation of allocation and TIMBCA
May 2024
Chali passed the qualifying exam. Congratulations!
Collin joins the lab. Welcome!
Jiaojiao and Reinardus arrive. Welcome!
April 2024
Bhaskar’s paper on spectrally truthful gapfilling was accepted at Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
We received the FluoreSens10 SIF system!
NIFA Soil Health panel PI meeting – lots of interesting reports!
February 2024
We received AgriLife support for continuing the adaptive grazing and soil health study. Team includes Kreuter, Smith and Treadwell
We received AgriLife support for exploring the effect of woody plant encroachment on soil carbon dynamics. The project is lead by Brad Wilcox, with Fox and Noormets contributing
January 2024
Mitchell Foundation support for continuing the fire frequency study at the Cook’s Branch Conservancy
Chali received the Ann Miller Gonzalez Research Grants for Graduate Students from the Native Plant Society of Texas. Congratulations!
Chali received the ECCB Travel Presentation Award. Congratulations!
Corrina joins the lab. Welcome!
December 2023
Benju and Moeka presented at AGU Fall Meeting
Moeka won the Forest Ecophysiology Outstanding Student Poster Award. Congratulations!
October 2023
Milan’s paper on flux-variance and surface renewal methods is published in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Benju and Moeka received the ECCB Travel Presentation Award. Congratulations!
September 2023
Joy joins the lab. Welcome!
August 2023
Clement Sarpong joins the lab. Welcome! He will work on storage carbohydrate and fungal growth dynamics
Dohee received Ameriflux Travel Award to attend the Ameriflux meeting in October. Congratulations!
Sandra got a job with Bartlett Tree Experts. Congratulations!!
Crockett flux site (US-CRK) is registered with Ameriflux
June 2023
The new FlashSmart NC Soil elemental analyzer arrived
Benju attended the Fluxcourse workshop
May 2023
The USDA AFRI Fundamental and Applied Science grant “Tracing the carbon flow from plants to soil” was funded
January 2023
Asko gave an invited talk at Estonia’s Forest Conference, title “Carbon cycle in old forests”
We received Hatch funds for the purchase of a new elemental analyzer
Sandra joins the lab – welcome!
Dohee received the Ann Miller Gonzalez Graduate Research Grant from the Native Plant Society of Texas. Congratulations, Dohee!
December 2022
Dohee, Linqing and Moeka attended AGU, all having received ECCB Travel Grants
Bryce and Calvin join the lab – welcome!
November 2022
Asko finished a book chapter “Mitigation potential of forests: The integrated plant-microbe system”, to be published in Steve McNulty’s “Future forests”
October 2022
Linqing successfully defended her dissertation “Seasonality of Ecosystem Processes”. Congratulations, Dr. Yang!
August 2022
Malik Nkrumah and Daniel Propes joined the lab. Welcome!
June 2022
Asko hosted the Hatch Multistate NC1178 annual project meeting at College Station. Dohee, Moeka, Benju, Mitchell Foundation, Raven Environmental and Ratcliff Forest Service office gave site tours of Cook’s Branch Conservancy and Davy Crockett National Forest. The event was a great success!
Asko gave an invited talk at BIOGEOMON 2022, “What does it take to sequester carbon?”
Asko gave an invited seminar “Flux partitioning and beyond. Belowground carbon dynamics in three acts” at the Institute of Geography, University of Tartu, Estonia
Asko served as the Opponent for Alina Krasnova’s PhD defense “Greenhouse gas fluxes in hemiboreal forest ecosystems” at the University of Tartu in Estonia
May 2022
Wildwood Secondary School toured the site. They are better versed about forest ecology and succession than many university students. No kidding. Awesome job, Dr. Jill!
April 2022
Asko gave a keynote talk at the Texas Society of American Foresters Meeting, “Multiobjective forest management: balancing timber, wildlife habitat and climate mitigation services in the changing world”
March 2022
Guofang’s belowground carbon allocation paper is accepted in Ecological Applications
February 2022
AgriLife Research Bulletin highlighted Linqing’s paper on the Flux Seasonality Metrics Database
January 2022
Asko was nominated an Editor of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
First prescribed burn at the Davy Crockett site
December 2021
Davy Crockett flux tower is up and running!!! More pictures here.
Maricar’s paper “Millennial-Scale Carbon Storage in Natural Pine Forests of the North Carolina Lower Coastal Plain: Effects of Artificial Drainage in a Time of Rapid Sea Level Rise.” was featured on the cover of Land.
Linqing and Maricar presented at AGU
Linqing was awarded a conference travel award to AGU
Blaize Britton joins the lab. Welcome!
Asko was invited to serve as an Editor in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Asko received a Hatch equipment grant
August 2021
Benju Baniya and Chali Simpson join the lab. Welcome!
The flux tower at Davy Crockett National Forest is up (finally)!
Maricar Aguilos’ paper is published in Forests
July 2021
Kevan Minick’s paper has been accepted in Geoderma
Wen Lin’s paper on PINEMAP Tier 2 synthesis is accepted in Tree Physiology
Carbon isotope discrimination (Δ13C) as a function of Palmer’s drought severity index (PDSI): (a) original data with a segmented regression line; (b) adjusted data with regression lines for each site from a linear mixed-effect model.
Arithmetic means (bars) and standard errors (whiskers) of maximal carbon isotope discrimination (Δ13Cmax; a) and isotopic drought sensitivity (m; b) at different seed source transfer zone (SSTZ) regions. N represents northern, C central, S southern, NW northwestern, and SW southwestern region of loblolly pine range.
June 2021
We celebrated Evan’s and Prajaya’s time with us with some delicious Korean food. They are both heading off to meet new challenges in July. Thank you both for all that you have contributed!
Seth and Moeka hosted the STARS camp of high school students. Thank you!
We (Urs Kreuter, Jenna Likins, Ayush Gyawali, Chali Simpson and Asko) scouted potential host ranches for the new AMP grazing & soil health project
Gavin McNicol’s CH4 gapfilling paper is accepted at Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
March 2021
Asko’s heterotrophic respiration paper from PINEMAP is accepted at Geophysical Research Letters
February 2021
Linqing’s paper on the flux seasonality metrics is officially in press at Earth System Science Data! Congratulations!
Power line to the Davy Crockett research site is completed
Asko was featured as an AGU Ecohydrology Leaf
January 2021
Seth and Andrea join the lab as new interns. Welcome!
December 2020
Alligator River flux site was featured as part of a wetlands highlight story by Ameriflux Management Project
October 2020
Dohee, Moeka, Linqing and Prajaya represented the lab at the departmental seminar
Dohee has taken charge of setting up the TILDAS
August 2020
Dohee Kim joins the lab as the new PhD student. Welcome, Dohee!
We finally received the site use permit for working at Davy Crockett National Forest!
July 2020
Moeka resumed work at the Cook’s Branch Conservancy, after a setback caused by COVID-19
June 2020
Our Aerodyne mini-TILDAS finally arrived. Yippee!
February 2020
We attended the training at Aerodyne, getting to work on our own CO2 isotope analyzer
Linqing published the flux phenological metrics database on ESS-DIVE.
Postimees, Estonian largest daily newspaper, interviewed Asko on the importance and conservation of soil carbon in Estonian forests.
September 2019
Prajaya represented the group at Ameriflux annual meeting, showing both his own and Bhaskar’s work.
Bhaskar wraps up his 3 years with us. He has made a mark with spectral analyses of the controls of CO2 and CH4 emissions, and piecing together the CH4 story from our NC sites.
May 2020
Bhaskar’s spectral analysis paper of CH4 fluxes is officially in press at Agricultural and Forest Meteorology! Congratulations!
August 2019
Moeka Ono joined the lab as a PhD student! Welcome! Moeka will work on carbon allocation and flux partitioning
June 2019
Bhaskar’s paper on the spectral assessment of the controls of soil respiration fluxes was accepted in Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences!
December 2018
Bhaskar, Kevan and Asko attended the AGU Fall Meeting in D.C. We had a great turn-out at the Advances in Soil Respiration research session (standing room only!), and received good feedback on our presentations.
Prajaya Prayapati formally joins the lab as postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
October 2018
Bhaskar, Prajaya and Asko attended the Ameriflux PI and Data Managers’ meeting in Bloomington, IN.
August 2018
Bhaskar, Aline and Asko attended the Ameriflux Long-term Synthesis Workshop in Berkeley, leading the CH4, extreme events and phenology discussions.
Asko attended US-China Carbon Consortium’s 15th annual meeting in Jiujiang, Jianxi, China, and was elected the US co-chair of the organization. The China co-chair is Dr. Bin Zhao from Fudan University.
Linqing Yang joined the lab as a PhD student. Linqing was awarded the Texas A&M AgriLife Research Strategic Initiative Assistantship.
July 2018
Gavin and Asko started soil carbon balance measurements at Crossett Experimental Forest in AR, piggybacking on Kim Novick’s and Chelcy Miniat’s eddy covariance site.
Gavin and Bhaskar started soil carbon balance work at Jones Ecological Research Center’s longleaf pine site (flux tower run by Greg Starr).
June 2018 & earlier
Postimees, Estonian largest daily newspaper, interviewed Asko on the arguments for and against a new papermill in Tartu.
Liu X, Sun G, Mitra B, Noormets A, Gavazzi MJ, Domec JC, Hallema DW, Li J, Fang Y, King JS, McNulty SG (2018) Drought and thinning have limited impacts on evapotranspiration in a managed pine plantation on the southeastern United States coastal plain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 262: 14-23. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.06.025
Colombo R, Celesti M, Bianchi R, Campbell P, Cogliati S, Cook B, Corp L, Damm A, Domec J-C, Guanter L, Julitta T, Middleton EM, Noormets A, Panigada C, Pinto F, Rascher U, Rossini M, Schickling A (2018) Variability of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence according to stand age-related processes in a managed Loblolly pine forest. Global Change Biology 00: 00-00. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14097
Helliker BR, Song X, Goulden ML, Clark K, Bolstad P, Munger JW, Chen J, Noormets A, Dragoni D, Hollinger D, Wofsy S, Martin TA, Baldocchi D, Euskirchen E, Desai A (2018) Assessing the interplay between canopy energy balance and photosynthesis with cellulose d18O: large-scale patterns and independent ground-truthing. Oecologia 187: 995-1007.
Bracho R, Vogel JG, Will RE, Noormets A, Samuelson LJ, Akers M, Cucinella J, Fox TR, Gezan AS, Gonzalez-Benecke C, Jokela EJ, Kane M, Laviner MA, Lin W, Markewitz D, McElligot K, Meek CR, Seiler JR, Strahm B, Teskey RO, Yang J, Martin TA (2018) Carbon accumulation in loblolly pine plantations is increased by fertilization across a soil moisture availability gradient. Forest Ecology and Management 424: 39-52.
Zhu J, Sun G, Li W, Zhang Y, Miao G, Noormets A, McNulty SG, King JS, Kumar M, Wang X (2017) Modeling the Potential Impacts of Climate Change on wetland hydrology in the Southeastern United States. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21: 6289-6305.
*Highlight in CompassLive
*Ward EJ, Domec JC, King JS, Sun G, McNulty SG, Noormets A (2017) TRACC: An open source software for editing and conversion of sap flux data from thermal dissipation probes. Trees (31): 1737-1742.
Miao G, Noormets A, Domec JC, Fuentes MF, Trettin CC, Sun G, McNulty SG, King JS (2017) Hydrology and microtopography control carbon dynamics in wetlands: implications in partitioning ecosystem respiration in a coastal plain forested wetland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 247: 343-355.
Thomas RQ, Brooks E, Jersild A, Ward E, Wynne R, Albaugh TJ, Aldridge HD, Burkhart HE, Domec JC, Fox TR, Gonzalez-Benecke CA, Martin TA, Noormets A, Sampson DA, Teskey RO (2017) Leveraging 35 years of forest research in the southeastern U.S. to constrain carbon cycle predictions: regional data assimilation using ecosystem experiment. Biogeosciences 14: 3525–3547.
Domec JC, Ashley E, Fisher M, Noormets A, Boone J, Williamson JC, King JS (2017) Productivity, biomass partitioning, and energy yield of low-input short-rotation American sycamore grown on marginal land: effects of planting density and simulated drought. Bioenergy Research 10: 903-914. DOI: 10.1007/s12155-017-9852-5
Middleton EM, Rascher U, Corp LA, Huemmrich KF, Cook BD, Noormets A, Schickling A, Pinto F, Alonso L, Damm A, Guanter L, Colombo R, Cogliati S, Juletti T, Campbell PK, Landis DR, Zhang Q, Rossin M, Schuettemeyer D, Bianchi R, McNulty SG, Sun G (2017) The 2013 FLEX – US Airborne Campaign at the Parker Tract Loblolly Pine Plantation in North Carolina, USA. Remote Sensing 9 (612): 1-31.
News: Cornwall W (2017) Is wood a green source of energy? Scientists are divided Science (Online 2017-01-05).
Liu C, Sun G, McNulty SG, Noormets A, Fang Y (2017) Environmental controls on seasonal ecosystem evapotranspiration/potential evapotranspiration ratio as determined by the global eddy flux measurements. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 211: 311-322.
September 2023
Joy joins the lab. Welcome!
August 2023
Clement Sarpong joins the lab. Welcome! He will work on storage carbohydrate and fungal growth dynamics
Dohee received Ameriflux Travel Award to attend the Ameriflux meeting in October. Congratulations!
Sandra got a job with Bartlett Tree Experts. Congratulations!!
Crockett flux site (US-CRK) is registered with Ameriflux
June 2023
The new FlashSmart NC Soil elemental analyzer arrived
Benju attended the Fluxcourse workshop
May 2023
The USDA AFRI Fundamental and Applied Science grant “Tracing the carbon flow from plants to soil” was funded
January 2023
Asko gave an invited talk at Estonia’s Forest Conference, title “Carbon cycle in old forests”
We received Hatch funds for the purchase of a new elemental analyzer
Sandra joins the lab – welcome!
Dohee received the Ann Miller Gonzalez Graduate Research Grant from the Native Plant Society of Texas. Congratulations, Dohee!
December 2022
Dohee, Linqing and Moeka attended AGU, all having received ECCB Travel Grants
Bryce and Calvin join the lab – welcome!
November 2022
Asko finished a book chapter “Mitigation potential of forests: The integrated plant-microbe system”, to be published in Steve McNulty’s “Future forests”
October 2022
Linqing successfully defended her dissertation “Seasonality of Ecosystem Processes”. Congratulations, Dr. Yang!
August 2022
Malik Nkrumah and Daniel Propes joined the lab. Welcome!
June 2022
Asko hosted the Hatch Multistate NC1178 annual project meeting at College Station. Dohee, Moeka, Benju, Mitchell Foundation, Raven Environmental and Ratcliff Forest Service office gave site tours of Cook’s Branch Conservancy and Davy Crockett National Forest. The event was a great success!
Asko gave an invited talk at BIOGEOMON 2022, “What does it take to sequester carbon?”
Asko gave an invited seminar “Flux partitioning and beyond. Belowground carbon dynamics in three acts” at the Institute of Geography, University of Tartu, Estonia
Asko served as the Opponent for Alina Krasnova’s PhD defense “Greenhouse gas fluxes in hemiboreal forest ecosystems” at the University of Tartu in Estonia
May 2022
Wildwood Secondary School toured the site. They are better versed about forest ecology and succession than many university students. No kidding. Awesome job, Dr. Jill!
April 2022
Asko gave a keynote talk at the Texas Society of American Foresters Meeting, “Multiobjective forest management: balancing timber, wildlife habitat and climate mitigation services in the changing world”
March 2022
Guofang’s belowground carbon allocation paper is accepted in Ecological Applications
February 2022
AgriLife Research Bulletin highlighted Linqing’s paper on the Flux Seasonality Metrics Database
January 2022
Asko was nominated an Editor of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
First prescribed burn at the Davy Crockett site
December 2021
Davy Crockett flux tower is up and running!!! More pictures here.
Maricar’s paper “Millennial-Scale Carbon Storage in Natural Pine Forests of the North Carolina Lower Coastal Plain: Effects of Artificial Drainage in a Time of Rapid Sea Level Rise.” was featured on the cover of Land.
Linqing and Maricar presented at AGU
Linqing was awarded a conference travel award to AGU
Blaize Britton joins the lab. Welcome!
Asko was invited to serve as an Editor in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Asko received a Hatch equipment grant
August 2021
Benju Baniya and Chali Simpson join the lab. Welcome!
The flux tower at Davy Crockett National Forest is up (finally)!
Maricar Aguilos’ paper is published in Forests
July 2021
Kevan Minick’s paper has been accepted in Geoderma
Wen Lin’s paper on PINEMAP Tier 2 synthesis is accepted in Tree Physiology
Carbon isotope discrimination (Δ13C) as a function of Palmer’s drought severity index (PDSI): (a) original data with a segmented regression line; (b) adjusted data with regression lines for each site from a linear mixed-effect model.
Arithmetic means (bars) and standard errors (whiskers) of maximal carbon isotope discrimination (Δ13Cmax; a) and isotopic drought sensitivity (m; b) at different seed source transfer zone (SSTZ) regions. N represents northern, C central, S southern, NW northwestern, and SW southwestern region of loblolly pine range.
June 2021
We celebrated Evan’s and Prajaya’s time with us with some delicious Korean food. They are both heading off to meet new challenges in July. Thank you both for all that you have contributed!
Seth and Moeka hosted the STARS camp of high school students. Thank you!
We (Urs Kreuter, Jenna Likins, Ayush Gyawali, Chali Simpson and Asko) scouted potential host ranches for the new AMP grazing & soil health project
Gavin McNicol’s CH4 gapfilling paper is accepted at Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
March 2021
Asko’s heterotrophic respiration paper from PINEMAP is accepted at Geophysical Research Letters
February 2021
Linqing’s paper on the flux seasonality metrics is officially in press at Earth System Science Data! Congratulations!
Power line to the Davy Crockett research site is completed
Asko was featured as an AGU Ecohydrology Leaf
January 2021
Seth and Andrea join the lab as new interns. Welcome!
December 2020
Alligator River flux site was featured as part of a wetlands highlight story by Ameriflux Management Project
October 2020
Dohee, Moeka, Linqing and Prajaya represented the lab at the departmental seminar
Dohee has taken charge of setting up the TILDAS
August 2020
Dohee Kim joins the lab as the new PhD student. Welcome, Dohee!
We finally received the site use permit for working at Davy Crockett National Forest!
July 2020
Moeka resumed work at the Cook’s Branch Conservancy, after a setback caused by COVID-19
June 2020
Our Aerodyne mini-TILDAS finally arrived. Yippee!
February 2020
We attended the training at Aerodyne, getting to work on our own CO2 isotope analyzer
Linqing published the flux phenological metrics database on ESS-DIVE.
Postimees, Estonian largest daily newspaper, interviewed Asko on the importance and conservation of soil carbon in Estonian forests.
September 2019
Prajaya represented the group at Ameriflux annual meeting, showing both his own and Bhaskar’s work.
Bhaskar wraps up his 3 years with us. He has made a mark with spectral analyses of the controls of CO2 and CH4 emissions, and piecing together the CH4 story from our NC sites.
May 2020
Bhaskar’s spectral analysis paper of CH4 fluxes is officially in press at Agricultural and Forest Meteorology! Congratulations!
August 2019
Moeka Ono joined the lab as a PhD student! Welcome! Moeka will work on carbon allocation and flux partitioning
June 2019
Bhaskar’s paper on the spectral assessment of the controls of soil respiration fluxes was accepted in Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences!
December 2018
Bhaskar, Kevan and Asko attended the AGU Fall Meeting in D.C. We had a great turn-out at the Advances in Soil Respiration research session (standing room only!), and received good feedback on our presentations.
Prajaya Prayapati formally joins the lab as postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
October 2018
Bhaskar, Prajaya and Asko attended the Ameriflux PI and Data Managers’ meeting in Bloomington, IN.
August 2018
Bhaskar, Aline and Asko attended the Ameriflux Long-term Synthesis Workshop in Berkeley, leading the CH4, extreme events and phenology discussions.
Asko attended US-China Carbon Consortium’s 15th annual meeting in Jiujiang, Jianxi, China, and was elected the US co-chair of the organization. The China co-chair is Dr. Bin Zhao from Fudan University.
Linqing Yang joined the lab as a PhD student. Linqing was awarded the Texas A&M AgriLife Research Strategic Initiative Assistantship.
July 2018
Gavin and Asko started soil carbon balance measurements at Crossett Experimental Forest in AR, piggybacking on Kim Novick’s and Chelcy Miniat’s eddy covariance site.
Gavin and Bhaskar started soil carbon balance work at Jones Ecological Research Center’s longleaf pine site (flux tower run by Greg Starr).
June 2018 & earlier
Postimees, Estonian largest daily newspaper, interviewed Asko on the arguments for and against a new papermill in Tartu.
Liu X, Sun G, Mitra B, Noormets A, Gavazzi MJ, Domec JC, Hallema DW, Li J, Fang Y, King JS, McNulty SG (2018) Drought and thinning have limited impacts on evapotranspiration in a managed pine plantation on the southeastern United States coastal plain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 262: 14-23. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.06.025
Colombo R, Celesti M, Bianchi R, Campbell P, Cogliati S, Cook B, Corp L, Damm A, Domec J-C, Guanter L, Julitta T, Middleton EM, Noormets A, Panigada C, Pinto F, Rascher U, Rossini M, Schickling A (2018) Variability of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence according to stand age-related processes in a managed Loblolly pine forest. Global Change Biology 00: 00-00. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14097
Helliker BR, Song X, Goulden ML, Clark K, Bolstad P, Munger JW, Chen J, Noormets A, Dragoni D, Hollinger D, Wofsy S, Martin TA, Baldocchi D, Euskirchen E, Desai A (2018) Assessing the interplay between canopy energy balance and photosynthesis with cellulose d18O: large-scale patterns and independent ground-truthing. Oecologia 187: 995-1007.
Bracho R, Vogel JG, Will RE, Noormets A, Samuelson LJ, Akers M, Cucinella J, Fox TR, Gezan AS, Gonzalez-Benecke C, Jokela EJ, Kane M, Laviner MA, Lin W, Markewitz D, McElligot K, Meek CR, Seiler JR, Strahm B, Teskey RO, Yang J, Martin TA (2018) Carbon accumulation in loblolly pine plantations is increased by fertilization across a soil moisture availability gradient. Forest Ecology and Management 424: 39-52.
Zhu J, Sun G, Li W, Zhang Y, Miao G, Noormets A, McNulty SG, King JS, Kumar M, Wang X (2017) Modeling the Potential Impacts of Climate Change on wetland hydrology in the Southeastern United States. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21: 6289-6305.
*Highlight in CompassLive
*Ward EJ, Domec JC, King JS, Sun G, McNulty SG, Noormets A (2017) TRACC: An open source software for editing and conversion of sap flux data from thermal dissipation probes. Trees (31): 1737-1742.
Miao G, Noormets A, Domec JC, Fuentes MF, Trettin CC, Sun G, McNulty SG, King JS (2017) Hydrology and microtopography control carbon dynamics in wetlands: implications in partitioning ecosystem respiration in a coastal plain forested wetland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 247: 343-355.
Thomas RQ, Brooks E, Jersild A, Ward E, Wynne R, Albaugh TJ, Aldridge HD, Burkhart HE, Domec JC, Fox TR, Gonzalez-Benecke CA, Martin TA, Noormets A, Sampson DA, Teskey RO (2017) Leveraging 35 years of forest research in the southeastern U.S. to constrain carbon cycle predictions: regional data assimilation using ecosystem experiment. Biogeosciences 14: 3525–3547.
Domec JC, Ashley E, Fisher M, Noormets A, Boone J, Williamson JC, King JS (2017) Productivity, biomass partitioning, and energy yield of low-input short-rotation American sycamore grown on marginal land: effects of planting density and simulated drought. Bioenergy Research 10: 903-914. DOI: 10.1007/s12155-017-9852-5
Middleton EM, Rascher U, Corp LA, Huemmrich KF, Cook BD, Noormets A, Schickling A, Pinto F, Alonso L, Damm A, Guanter L, Colombo R, Cogliati S, Juletti T, Campbell PK, Landis DR, Zhang Q, Rossin M, Schuettemeyer D, Bianchi R, McNulty SG, Sun G (2017) The 2013 FLEX – US Airborne Campaign at the Parker Tract Loblolly Pine Plantation in North Carolina, USA. Remote Sensing 9 (612): 1-31.
News: Cornwall W (2017) Is wood a green source of energy? Scientists are divided Science (Online 2017-01-05).
Liu C, Sun G, McNulty SG, Noormets A, Fang Y (2017) Environmental controls on seasonal ecosystem evapotranspiration/potential evapotranspiration ratio as determined by the global eddy flux measurements. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 211: 311-322.